Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Finally! Alexis had a pretty good day today. It wasn't perfect, but good enough for all of us.

The nurse came this morning, like she has every Tuesday morning since the PICC line was put in. She had to do Lex's blood work and change the dressing on her PICC line. For those who haven't been reading my posts - Alexis doesn't usually do well with this. She gets very nauseous and light-headed. Every Tuesday since the PICC line was put in she had to stay home from school. This morning was different. Before the nurse even got to our house Alexis was feeling dizzy and light-headed. I think she was just getting herself really worked up because she knew what was coming. By the time the nurse got here Lex was back to feeling okay. Alexis sat there so calmly. She barely made a peep when the old dressing was being pulled off of her - one of her least favorite things to sit through. She stayed calm, got every thing done and was wanting to go to school. I felt such a sigh of relief. She is finally getting used to the whole thing and this is the last Tuesday she will have to go through all of that - go figure.

I brought Alexis to school this morning. She had to do testing this morning to make up one of the tests she missed last week. Her teacher told me they will work around her schedule and how she is feeling. I'm so glad. Our main goal was for Alexis to make it through testing this morning. I told her I would be home all day with my phone by my side in case she needed to come home. Usually the school calls for me to come get her at about 11:00am - so from 11:00 on I didn't put my phone down. I waited for that phone to ring. Soon it was 1:00pm and the phone still didn't ring. I was shocked, happy and worried all mixed into one. I hate being away from her for so long but I do trust that she will tell her teacher if she does start feeling really crumby. Before I knew it, it was 3:00pm and almost time for me to head over to her school to pick her up. She made it through the day - the entire school day. I'm so happy for her. I know how bad she's been wanting to stay all day. She has been missing out on a lot. When I picked Alexis up this afternoon she looked good and said she felt okay. She said there were a couple times throughout the day when she wasn't feeling too good but it never got bad enough to go to the nurse. She was so excited to make it through the whole day - especially since our goal was for to only stay a couple hours in the morning.

This afternoon my sister and nephew were over hanging out with us. It was so nice seeing Alexis play with her little cousin and little sister like an average kid should. The last couple times my nephew was over Lex was stuck laying on the couch in pain. I was finally able to see her smile and have fun. She needed that. I even let her take a break from her homework to just play because she was feeling so good.

Unfortunately, Alexis' softball practice was canceled tonight because of the rain. Lex said "Ohh man, I was so ready to play today". Hopefully these good days keep coming.

Tonight after her IV was finished I was putting the cover back onto her arm and I noticed there were bumps on her arm near the PICC line dressing. When I looked closer I noticed there are a lot of them, they are red and big. It's definitely a rash and it wasn't there this morning. I looked all over the body to see if they were anywhere else but they weren't. She doesn't have a fever or feel yucky at all. I'm hoping it's just a heat rash or something little. I took pictures of it and I'll check it again in the morning to see if there's any changes. Let's pray it was nothing major and gone by the morning.

Alexis is now sleeping and we can officially say it was a GOOD DAY! I'm so relieved. My mom always calls after work to see how Alexis' day is going. It was so nice to finally be able to say she stayed in school ALL day and has been feeling pretty good all day. Alexis needed this. I needed this. Scottie needed this. My mom needed this. We all were getting a little overwhelmed with the amount of bad days Alexis was having.

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